Her correspondence with Trudy, Marie and Treva is more than revealing...

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The rose of love is stronger
 Than anything they say.
  Its beauty will surround you
  Each time you look its way.

  It lifts your spirits to the
  And falls like gentle rain
  To make the rose of love grow
  tall, So all will know its name

  But there are those who've never
  heard  The beauty of its song;
  And somewhere in the midst of
  love  A rose stands all alone.

  Each petal holds the tears like
  dew For every heart that feels
  shame. And it begs for you to find it
  To help to ease its pain.

  So hold it gently in your hand
  Before its petals fall
  And leaves its sorrow to the wind 
  Like it was never there at all..

  And if its beauty touched your
  heart  As much as it does mine,
  This is the rose I give to you-
  Its name is Patsy Cline..

by Sylvia Missmer
Copyright 1991/ All rights reserved/
Used by permission

Patsy Cline Roses are available at:

Dear Mr. Nassour,

I'm so happy I've been able to connect with you. I want to congratu- late you on your wonderful, beautiful book on the life of Patsy
Cline.  Thank you! Not only for telling her story so vividly, but also for telling her story with respect and heart. 
    What a voice Patsy Cline had!!  What a woman she was!! This all  comes over so well in how you and  her mother, her husbands and her  friends, especially Dottie West and   Brenda Lee, tell the story. And what  fabulous pictures!
     As you can tell,  I'm a huge Patsy fan.  I admire that  she never gave up on her dream; how  she focused, how she held nothing   back.  How she just picked herself up,  and went right on with what she loved   most -- singing.       When it came to her  voice, no one could pack a song with such emotion --
emotion that came from the heart. That emotion is the true heart of Patsy Cline.   When she  sings, you don't just hear her voice,  you feel it.  In your book, she tells the  other girl singers to sing their songs  so that everyone
in the audience feels they are singing personally to each one.  Patsy sure could do that better
than anyone!  It's what sets her apart from everyone else.  And probably why she's never been equaled as a singer.

     I found your book poignant and  honest.  I'm sure Patsy would have wanted it no other way.

Sylvia Missmer
Coplay, PA
Dear Ellis,

  I love your book so much

because you  let us get to
know Patsy through the
multi-dimensional person
she was.  You show the
daughter, wife, mother,   
friend and the best damn
singer that ever walked
the face of this earth!
The  unique  way  you
blend all this makes  it
easier  for us who never
got to  know  Patsy  to 
understand better the
woman she was. She had
a temper like a Texas
wildcat, but she could also
be a soft, sexy, classy lady.
Telling her story through
interviews  with  those
who loved her, especially
her  Mother,  Dottie  West
and Brenda Lee, is truly a 
grand ability.  Your book
is the greatest!

Greg Mullins
Demopolis, AL
Date: 8/23/02
Dear Mr. Nassour:

    I wanted to touch base to tell you how much I enjoyed your Bio on Patsy. I'm a huge fan of Patsy's and have read many of the other bios out there, and want you to know that I think that you handled her death with the utmost grace, and tact. It's an incredibly difficult and painful subject, and you dealt with it beautifully, and I wanted to thank you for that.      
   Overall, your bio is by far the most enjoyable, and balanced. I admire your efforts to corrob- orate stories, and admire your candid dealings with Charlie.   I've been a fan from childhood, but recently had my interest and love for Patsy rekindled, and feel like I'm falling in love all over again.
   Again, I thank you for being one of those special people dedicated to keeping our Patsy's memory alive.

Kind Regards,
Theresa Shalaby

One reader wrote:" ... When  I wasn't crying,  [your book]    made   me roll with laughter . . . "


Date: 6/8/02

Dear Mr.Nassour,

Boy, was I impressed and so very moved by your biography on the life of Patsy Cline! It is, by far,

one of the best things I've read.  It's amazing (to me, anyway) how you make
me feel like I'm right there with you and Patsy, her family and friends  ... The photos are great. I love
the honesty and how you managed to be fair to
everyone. That must have been hard. Thank you for the best book I've read on Patsy!!!

Bob Poppie
New Orleans

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Date: 2/11/01
From: AnneMarie

From A Patsy Cline fan's point of view your book is THE BEST.  It made me cry huge tears at all the sadness and tragedy in Patsy's life -- especially in how vividly
you recreated the ups and downs in her  life, the auto crash and, finally, her   death. When I wasn't crying, it  made me roll with laughter, especially the  stories of Patsy's sheer determination to make it big no matter
what, no matter who; and the stories that Faron Young told out of school are,  well, very naughty and bawdy, but funny as hell.

Date: 11/22/01
From: FidosDad

... And now I am a very big Ellis Nassour fan!!! -- because of the excellent book you wrote on Patsy Cline. It is, by far, the best!! After reading all the books about Patsy, yours is the very best! I sense a very special closeness to Patsy
in your writing, and the interviews with Patsy's friends, family and co- workers are done extreme-
ly well and are often very funny. Your book definite-
ly has 5-Star quality.

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