Patsy Cline
September 8, 1932 -
March 5, 1963

~ Gone too soon ... but
what a legacy she left ~

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         FULLY  ILLUSTRATED Full Reproductions of Each Letter

                                     Foreword by TRISHA YEARWOOD

     A must for fans, these rare letters from Patsy Cline reveal a poignant  look inside the heart and soul of a country music legend.   In 1955, a starstruck girl from East Tennessee,  Treva  Miller  Steinbicker, approached an aspiring country singer to establish her fan club. Patsy accepted. Over the next four years, through an intimate exchange of letters, she became Treva's friend and confidante. Love Always, Patsy is the collection of that cherished correspondence -- poignant, colorful, humorous and revealing in its honesty and warmth.   It's the  perfect companion to the definitive Patsy Cline biography, Honky Tonk Angel: The Intimate Story of Patsy Cline.

Letter Excerpts :

Dear Treva: Dear Treva:
Received your welcome letter and was glad   Well it sure was nice to hear from you,
to hear from you again. You make me feel and I'm sorry I haven't written to you
like I've known you all my life, but that's how sooner, but I've just got back from a
I like people. You sound like you recording session in Nashville, which was
are a busy little girl, but if you like Counry on Dec. 18th, and I also appeared on
Music like I do, you enjoy every bit of it. the Opry, and on January 7th I'm going to
I'm getting songs ready for another record- be on T.V. coast to coast with the
ing session in about two wks. My boss man Opry, so tune me in gal.
called me yesterday and tells me I may have I'm so happy about it I could pop. Ha.
to wait until the 26th of Nov.   instead of the  I don't know if I told you about it or
19th to go to the Ozark Jubilee. So I'll have not, but I'm appearing on T.V. every Sat.
to drop you a card as to the exact date when   nite in Washington with "Town and
he calls me, which I'll know in a couple of days. Country Time" with Jimmy Dean, and The
Texas Wild Cats. W.M.A.L. Channel 7.
      Wash. D.C. and of course when I have some
place to go, they always let me off.
And Mr. McCall says I'm suppose to go on
tour after this trip to Nashville for the T.V.
show. I'll be singing one of my new songs
I just recorded. Enough of me.


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