Received your welcome letter and
was glad |
Well it sure was nice to hear from
you, |
to hear from you again. You make
me feel |
and I'm sorry I haven't written to
you |
like I've known you all my life,
but that's how |
sooner, but I've just got back
from a |
I like people.
You sound like you |
recording session in Nashville,
which was |
are a busy little girl, but if you
like Counry |
on Dec. 18th, and I also appeared
on |
Music like I do, you enjoy every
bit of it. |
the Opry, and on January 7th I'm
going to |
I'm getting songs ready for
another record- |
be on T.V. coast to coast with the
ing session in about two wks. My
boss man |
Opry, so tune me in gal. |
called me yesterday and tells me I
may have |
I'm so happy about it I could pop.
Ha. |
to wait until the 26th of Nov.
instead of the |
I don't know if I told you about
it or |
19th to go to the Ozark Jubilee.
So I'll have |
not, but I'm appearing on T.V.
every Sat. |
to drop you a card as to the exact
date when |
nite in Washington with "Town
and |
he calls me,
which I'll know in a couple of days. |
Country Time" with Jimmy
Dean, and The |
Texas Wild Cats. W.M.A.L. Channel
7. |
Wash. D.C. and of course when I
have some |
place to go, they always let me
off. |
And Mr. McCall says I'm suppose to
go on |
tour after this trip to Nashville
for the T.V. |
show. I'll be singing one of my
new songs |
I just
recorded. Enough of me. |